Maria Milic
B.A.(Hons.); M.Psychol., D. Psych.(Clinical)
Maria is our senior child and family psychologist and brings with her 20 years’ of clinical wisdom and training. She completed her Masters degree in clinical psychology and then spent many years in a tertiary referral child and family centre for mental health before joining the practice as a consultant. Maria specialises in working with children and adolescents who present with complex anxiety and in particular Selective Mutism, which is a social anxiety condition where children fail to speak to children and adults outside of their immediate family.
Her interest in working with children with selective mutism led to doctoral research on the nature of the anxiety in children with selective mutism. Maria has published in this area and continues to conduct clinical research into selective mutism. She employs a family therapy approach whenever this is indicated and also engages people in individual therapy when this is more appropriate. Maria mainly works with children but also brings many skills and compassion to her adult clients.
Maria sees clients in the Westmead office.