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We offer the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS-2) and Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised, which are considered the “gold standard” assessments to diagnose autism and are necessary to access funding from NDIS and the Department of Education.

The assessment process is individualised to the needs of the client and will vary in its structure. In general, families will attend an initial appointment that is approximately 90 minutes in duration, where the Clinical Psychologist will obtain relevant background information that will then inform the structure of the assessment. The ADOS-2 and ADI-R are the core assessments for diagnosing autism and both assessments are included in the package. 

The ADOS-2 is a semi-structured, observation-based tool that aims to assess communication, social interactions, play, and restricted and repetitive behaviours. This assessment is typically one hour in duration and is completed with the individual being assessed for autism.

The ADI-R is a structured clinical interview completed by the primary carers. The purpose of the ADI-R is to collect an extensive developmental history to help distinguish between a diagnosis of autism and other developmental disorders. This appointment is typically between two to three hours in duration.

Last, families are encouraged to schedule a feedback session to better understand the outcome of the assessment to understand their child’s support needs.

If you have any questions regarding assessments for autism, please contact reception on 9098 4099.